BA 3rd Year English 1& 2 Important Questions 2022 In Hindi
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इस पोस्ट में आपको अंग्रेजी पेपर के प्रश्नों से रु-बरु कराया जायेगा | इसमें बीएससी थर्ड ईयर इंग्लिश पेपर से सम्बंधित प्रश्नों को सिलसिलेवार दिया गया है | बीएससी तृतीय वर्ष अंग्रेजी के प्रथम और द्वितीय पेपर के सेक्शन ए और बी दोनों के प्रश्नों का समायोजन किया गया है | आप इन प्रश्नों का सतत अभ्यास कर के परीक्षा में अच्छे अंक ला सकते हैं |
सम्बंधित प्रश्नों की बेहतर तैयारी के लिए इन्हें पहले इंग्लिश नोटबुक में लिखना होगा और उसके बाद अपनी पाठ्यपुस्तक के सम्बंधित अध्याय से पढ़कर उनके उत्तर तैयार करने होंगे | अपनी याद से प्रश्नों के उत्तर आपको दूसरी कॉपी में लिखकर मिलान करना होगा | इस तरह से याद किये गए प्रश्नोतरी लम्बे समय तक याद रहते हैं |
BA 3rd Year English Questions 2022 In Hindi |
बीए फाइनल ईयर इंग्लिश के क्वेश्चन 2022, b.a. 3rd year english literature question 2022
- Discuss Toru Dutt as a poet Or Elaborate the theme of Tagore’s ‘Gitanjali’
- Examine the central idea of Sarojini Naidu’s poem ‘The Ecstasy’
- Critically examine the poem “The Female of the Species"
- Write a note on Jayant Mahapatra as a regional poet
- Discuss the theme and characteristics of Shiv K. Kumar’s poem “Indian Women”
- Critically summarize ‘The Old Playhouse’
- Write a summary of N. C. Chaudhari’s ‘My Birthplace’
- Discuss the message of social service as given by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan in his ‘The Call of Suffering’
- Write a note on use of myths in Karnad’s ‘Hayavadana’
- Discuss “Silence! The Court is in Session” as a Social Satire
- Give a word-portrait of Raju, the Guide
- Comment on appropriateness of the little of ‘Guide’
- Write a critical appreciation of Whitman’s poem “O Captain ! My Captain”
- Write a note on Carl Sandburg as poet, highlighting the characteristics of his poetry
- Write a critical appreciation of the poem “I felt a Funeral in My Brain.”
- Write a critical appreciation of E. E. Cummings “As Freedom is a Breakfast Food”.
- Comment on the prose style of W. Carlos Williams in his essay “In the American Grain”
- What are the salient features of Whitman’s “Preface to Leaves of Grass”?
- Discuss Miller’s play “All My Sons” as a tragedy
- Consider “The Hairy Ape” as a modern tragedy.
- Write a brief character-sketch of Frederic Henry
- Do you agree with the viewpoint that Mrs. Caroline Campson’s negligence of her family is the reason of the family’s downfall.
- Write short notes on following topics in about 300 words each (i) Vietnam War (ii) Existentialism (iii) Freudian thought (iv) New development in fiction (v) Post-modernism
- Which European city was Y. B. Yeats born?
- In which year Yeats won Nobel prize?
- Where was Siegfried Sasson born?
- Which book of Sasson was published in 1945?
- Which type of poem did Rupert Brooke write?
- Where was Eliot born?
- To whom did Eliot dedicate the poem ‘The Waste Land’?
- Louis Mac Neice was born in :
- What are the themes of Philip Larkin’s poetry?
- Critically examine the theme of the poem ‘The Waste Land’ by T. S. Eliot.
- Write critical appreciation of the poem ‘Disabled’ by Wilfred Owen
- Write Siegfried Sasson as a poet with reference to his poem ‘Falling Asleep’
- The poem ‘The Hill’ deals with the ecstacy of love in the first part with a twist in the end. Explain it.
- Give a justification that Miss Gee’s character in the poem is natural, simply filled with purity and reality.
- What is the overall impression of the natives that Conrad produces? What sort of difficulties does the protagonist face? Is Kurtz a worthy “grail” figure?
- Discuss the framing story that structures ‘Heart of Darkness’. Why is it important to narrate Marlowe in the act of felling his story ?
- Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the social structures portrayed in “Things Fall Apart”.
- What is the message in the essay “The Death of the Moth”? What is the difference between the dying of the moth and the death of a human being?
- Give the short analysis of Virginia Woolf’s “The Death of the Moth”. What is the grand theme written in the form of the story?
- Is Greene’s “The Lost Childhood” an autobiographical essay? Discuss it.
- What is the dramatic style of Graham Greene? Discuss it.
- How does the play Pygmalion deal with the issue of social class?
- How does the knowledge that Shaw was a socialist color one’s reading of this play ? Does Shaw sympathize with this “Class” of people, or should we view his presentation of each character uniquely?
- Samuel Beckett described his ‘Waiting for Godot’ as a tragicomedy. To what extent is this an accurate description?
- ‘Waiting for Godot’ contains many biblical allusions. Discuss their significance to the themes of the play.
BA 3rd Year English Literature Syllabus |
BA Final Year English Literature Syllabus, बीए तृतीय वर्ष अंग्रेजी पाठ्यक्रम हिंदी में
English Paper-5
- Aristotle : Poetics
- Longinus : On the Sublime
- Horace : Ars Poetica
- Johnson : Life of Cowley
- Dryden : Essay of Dramatic Poesie
- Matthew Arnold : The Study of Poetry
- T.S. Eliot : Tradition and Individual Talent
- Critical appreciation of one prose passage and one poem
English Paper-6
- W.B. Yeats : Sailing to Byzantium Among School Children The Second Coming
- T.S. Eliot : Hollowman
- Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Gerontion
- G.B. Shaw : Pygmalion
- D.H. Lawrence : The Fox
- Hemingway : The Old Man and the Sea
- Chinua Achebe : Things Fall Apart
- Virginia Woolf : To The Light House
English Paper-7
- H.L.V. Derozio : Poetry
- R. N. Tagore : Heaven of Freedom
- S. Aurobindo : The Tiger and the Deer
- T. Dutt : Our Casuarina Tree
- S. Naidu : The Soul’s Prayer
- N. Ezekiel : Night of the Scorpion
- K. Das : The Old Play House
- A.K. Ramanujan : The Striders
- K.N. Daruwalla : Death of a Bird
- S.K. Kumar : Indian Woman
- J. Mahapatra : Dawn at Puri
- S. Vivekanand : The Secret of Work
- Jawaharlal Nehru : The Variety and Unity of India
- Mahatma Gandhi : Truth and Ahimsa
- R.K. Narayan : An Astrologer’s Day
- Raja Rao : The Cow of the Barricades
- K.A. Abbas : The Sparrow
- M.R. Anand : Untouchables
- R.K. Narayan : Waiting for the Mahatma
- K. Desai : The Inheritance of Loss
- K. Markandaya : Nectar in a Sieve
- A. Roy : The God of Small Things
English Paper-8
- A Song of Joys
- A Glimpse
- A Passage to India
- Prayer of Columbus
- Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
- The Road Not Taken
- Nothing Gold Can Stay
- Fire and Ice
- I Never Lost As Much But Twice
- These are the Days
- A Bird Came Down The Walk
- The Grass So Little Has To Do
- Arthur Miller : All My Sons
- Mark Twain : Huckleburry Finn
- Melville : Billy Budd
- Tenessee Williams : The Glass Menagerie
- Henry James : The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
- One essay from each section to be attempted out of several alternatives
- Definition of Journalism, Role of Journalism in Society, The Qualities of Good Journalism, Rights and Responsibilities of a Good Journalist, Varieties of Journalism, Social Accountability of Journalism, Definition and Characteristics of Mass Communication, Features of Communication, Barriers to Communication, Interview.
- Definition of Advertising and Propaganda, Distinction between Advertising and Propaganda, Role of Advertisement in Newspapers, Methods of Advertisement, Impact of Advertisement on Consumers, Role of Advertisement in Social Change.
- Reporting, Paragraph Writing, Main Features of Journalistic Writing, Preparation of New Items, Editing Sub-editing Editorial Writing.
- Fundamental Rights of Indian Citizen, Privileges of a Member of Parliament, Freedom of Press, Copyright Act, Public Interest Litigation, Habeas Corpus, Defamation, Yellow Journalism, Contempt of Court, Libel, Sedition, Judicial Review, Forensic Evidence, Press Censorship.
- Definition of Translation, Major Features of Translation, Types of Translation, Role of Culture and Geography on Language and Translation, Distribution among Translation, Transliteration and Trans-creation, Important theories of Translation, Difference between Translation of Poetry and Prose, Interpreter and his Qualities, Language Varieties, Restricted Translation, Dubbing.
- Translation of a passage from English to Hindi or Urdu or Bangla.
- Translation of a passage from Hindi or Urdu or Bangla to English
BA 3rd Year English Book |
B.A 3rd Year English Book, बीए तृतीय वर्ष अंग्रेजी की किताब
- Elective English (Grammar & Composition) - युनिमैक्स एडवांस
- English Literature - पार्थ पब्लिकेशन
- History Of English Literature - प्रो० रॉय एंड चक्रोबर्ती
- A New Anthology Of English Verse - शाहिद भट्टी
- Short Stories and One Act Plays - शाहिद भट्टी
- Dialogue,Translation & Comprehension - शाहिद भट्टी
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